SAN stock fundamentals - financials


  • accounts Payable 0
  • cash Change 221,729,028,262
  • cash Flow 0
  • cash Flow Financing 0
  • changes In Inventories 0
  • changes In Receivables 0
  • common Stock 17,140,000,000
  • cost Of Revenue 699,993,785
  • currency USD
  • current Assets 1,789,519,937,282
  • current Cash 0
  • current Debt 0
  • current Long Term Debt 312,662,800,346
  • depreciation 0
  • ebit 4,180,336,717
  • ebitda 5,040,609,453
  • filing Type 6-K
  • fiscal Date 2023-03-31
  • fiscal Quarter 1
  • fiscal Year 2023
  • goodwill 15,122,918,691
  • gross Profit 14,342,240,264
  • income Tax 1,054,352,010
  • intangible Assets 5,462,568,323
  • interest Income 0
  • inventory 0
  • long Term Debt 0
  • long Term Investments 117,910,791,135
  • minority Interest 9,733,402,679
  • net Borrowings --1,255,128,108,674
  • net Income 2,803,246,139
  • net Income Basic 2,803,246,139
  • net Tangible Assets 78,158,340,339
  • operating Expense 10,999,279,290
  • operating Income 4,042,954,759
  • operating Revenue 3,707,132,195
  • other Assets 51,905,302,398
  • other Current Assets 0
  • other Current Liabilities 1,449,274,983,071
  • other Income Expense Net 0
  • other Liabilities 37,015,714,969
  • pretax Income 4,178,156,051
  • property Plant Equipment 37,059,328,289
  • receivables 0
  • report Date 2023-04-25
  • research And Development 0
  • retained Earnings 2,803,246,139
  • revenue 15,042,234,049
  • selling General And Admin 2,301,692,960
  • shareholder Equity 98,743,827,352
  • short Term Debt 0
  • short Term Investments 1,567,790,909,020
  • symbol SAN
  • total Assets 1,907,430,728,417
  • total Cash 221,729,028,262
  • total Debt 312,662,800,346
  • total Investing Cash Flows 0
  • total Liabilities 1,808,686,901,065
  • total Revenue 15,042,234,049
  • treasury Stock 0
  • key SAN
  • subkey quarterly
  • date 2023-03-31
  • updated 2023-05-26